Mole Control

There are several methods to reduce or eliminate mole populations, including trapping, toxicants, and fumigants. Trapping is often the most effective and cost-effective method of controlling moles since the average yard only has 2-3 moles. Commonly used traps are the WCS™ Pro Scissors, NoMol®, and the Trapline Moleinator. Read about the Eastern Mole.
Showing 1 - 30 of 31 items
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WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap : 4882

WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $14.50

WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap With Integrated Setter : 5030
New Flag

WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap With Integrated Setter

★★★★★ ★★★★★


NOMOL® Mole Trap : 243

NOMOL® Mole Trap

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $21.95

Moleinator : 1557


★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $9.49

WCS™ Tunnel Mole Trap : 3532

WCS™ Tunnel Mole Trap

★★★★★ ★★★★★


WCS™ Mole Spade - Head Only : 4395

WCS™ Mole Spade - Head Only

Prices Starting At $35.00

WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap Speed Bump ONLY - 12 Pack : 4927

WCS™ PRO Scissors Mole Trap Speed Bump ONLY - 12 Pack

★★★★★ ★★★★★


WCS™ Mole Spade : 1561

WCS™ Mole Spade

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $35.00

Savage™ Mole Trap : 4691

Savage™ Mole Trap


Victor Mole & Gopher Granular Repellent - 4 LB : 3947

Victor Mole & Gopher Granular Repellent - 4 LB


NoMol® Mole Trap Setters : 1333

NoMol® Mole Trap Setters

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Talpirid Mole Trap : 1547

Talpirid Mole Trap

Prices Starting At $27.95

Fenn Mole Scissors Trap : 4431

Fenn Mole Scissors Trap


Fenn Mole Loop Trap : 4430

Fenn Mole Loop Trap


Victor® Spear-type Mole Trap : 55

Victor® Spear-type Mole Trap

Prices Starting At $16.95

Nash "Choker Loop" Mole trap : 249

Nash "Choker Loop" Mole trap

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Cinch Mole Trap : 822

Cinch Mole Trap

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $15.75

Proline™ Underground Mole Lure 4 oz. : 1731

Proline™ Underground Mole Lure 4 oz.


Talpirid (Lethal Worm shaped bait) : 1272

Talpirid (Lethal Worm shaped bait)

Prices Starting At $52.50

Kaput Mole Gel Bait : 557

Kaput Mole Gel Bait

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $23.95

Victor Moleworms : 2394

Victor Moleworms

Prices Starting At $53.50

Mole Scram™ Professional Mole Repellent - 22 lbs. : 3657

Mole Scram™ Professional Mole Repellent - 22 lbs.

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Vole Scram™ Professional Vole Repellent - 22 lbs. : 3664

Vole Scram™ Professional Vole Repellent - 22 lbs.

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Hori Hori Knife/Digging Tool - Stainless : 3924

Hori Hori Knife/Digging Tool - Stainless

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Trowels : 1649


★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $11.75

J.C. Conner Jim Digger Trapping Trowel : 986

J.C. Conner Jim Digger Trapping Trowel

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $22.95

J.C. Conner Jim Digger D-Handled Trapping Trowel (Narrow) : 3439

J.C. Conner Jim Digger D-Handled Trapping Trowel (Narrow)


A Beginner's Guide to Mole Control Using NOMOL® Traps : 299

A Beginner's Guide to Mole Control Using NOMOL® Traps


MOLES: Removal Made Simple (DVD) : 658

MOLES: Removal Made Simple (DVD)

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Modern Mole Trapping : 5045

Modern Mole Trapping


Showing 1 - 30 of 31 items
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